How To Calculate Your Final Grade

How to calculate your final grade? With the current grade and the weight, you can calculate what grade you need on a final exam to achieve the desired grade for the class.
How To Calculate Your Final Grade

Have you ever come across a situation where you were waiting for the final results at the end of the semester? Such an arrangement can be rather worrisome, particularly if your grades are a determinant to your next academic progression such as scholarship, intern, or job. Based on the survey that was recently conducted, more than 60% of the students still care about the final grades and they wished to understand the computation of their overall grade more than they do. Understanding how to calculate your final grades is some of the most crucial pieces of knowledge students of any level in their studies can help themselves with. It helps you control your results and change the strategy of studying if necessary. Knowing the components and weightage of the grades, one realizes when they need to work harder and apply for the improvement before it is too late.

How To Calculate Your Final Grade

How to calculate what grade you need on a final exam to achieve your desired overall GPA? To properly identify your Final Grade, it is crucial to know the value of each component included in it. Weighted grading involves giving a certain percentage to each of the given test types depending on the relevance of the test to the course learning goals. For instance, the exams could compose 50% of the total course score whereas assignments account for 30% and quizzes and participation 20%. As discussed above, this system mirrors the importance of each of the assessments in the determination of your performance. It helps to understand what percentage of the total mark is given by each component and, therefore, clear up your study schedule. For example, if assessment is done through examinations, then it will be possible for a student to perform more on those exams neglecting course work and attendance. Knowledge of these weights goes a long way in planning and ensuring that you are on the right track of getting the required final grade.

Final Exam Grade Calculation

To determine your final exam grade, use the following formula:



  • F represents the final exam grade.
  • G is the desired grade for the class.
  • w is the weight of the final exam, expressed as a decimal (convert percentage to decimal by dividing by 100).
  • C is your current grade.

Final Class Grade Calculation

If you know your final exam grade but the instructor hasn't posted the final class grades yet, you can calculate your final class grade using this formula:

G = (F×w) + (1−w)×C


  • G is the grade you’ll receive for the class.
  • F is your final exam grade.
  • w is the weight of the final exam, expressed as a decimal (convert percentage to decimal by dividing by 100).
  • C is your grade in the class before the final exam.

Steps To Calculate Your Final Grade

Step 1: Review the grading policies of your courses.

Syllabus are essential documents that lay down the course plan and indicate the distribution of the various assessment tasks. It usually outlines what proportion of the grade the assignments, quizzes, participation, and exams will make up. These weights show an understanding of the distribution of the various parts of your coursework on your overall grade. For example, if your syllabus states that the exams contribute 50% towards the total grade, and assignments contribute 30%, then such sections are likely to be central in contributing to one’s overall performance. This, in essence, gives individuals the accurate primitives of grading that will take them to the next grade level.

Step 2: Gather the grades you have been receiving for each of the segments of your class.

This involves the marks you have obtained in those assignments, quizzes, tests and all the assessments that you have been graded on. All this information is quite useful because you will be required to use it in arriving at your weighted scores. Ensure you have collected all your returns and quizzes or have access to your grades online through your school’s portal. When you maintain a score sheet that contains all the current grades, it becomes easier to compute your final grade and know your standing in the course.

Step 3: Multiply Grade by Weight

The next step after you have your grades and after learning how many percent of the total mark each of the components is worth, you begin the process of getting the weighted values. To do this, just have to multiply the grade obtained by the corresponding weightage that is assigned to it. For instance, if you registered the grades of assignments, quizzes, and participation, it is advisable to multiply the grades by the weights assigned to each component and get the weighted scores. This step is useful as it will make you glance at every single aspect that contributes to your grade.

Step 4: Sum the Weighted Scores

After you have conducted the weighted scores on each of the components, the next thing that you do is to aggregate the scores in order to arrive at your final grade. Combine all the scores obtained from the associated weight. By adding the weights derived, one is in a position to see how well they are doing in the specific course as well as an estimation of the final grade to be awarded. 

To ease the process, you can use online Grade calculators. These tools are intended for you to calculate your total percentage of the final grade since these tools accept your current grade and the weight that corresponds to it. provide easy to use interfaces where you choose your classes and simply type in your grades to get an average. These tools are designed to calculate it for you, this way you are provided with a final grade without having to perform all the calculations.

Example Final Course Grade Calculation

Imagine you are finishing up your Economics course with a current grade of 91%. Your final exam score was 88.6%, and it accounts for 15% of your overall grade. To determine your final course grade, follow these steps:

Identify the components:

  • Current grade (C): 91%
  • Final exam score (F): 88.6%
  • Weight of final exam (w): 15%

Apply the formula:
The formula to calculate the final grade (G) is: G = F×w + (1−w)×C

Perform the calculations:

  • Multiply the final exam score by its weight: 88.6 × 0.15 = 13.29
  • Multiply the current grade by the remaining weight (1 - w): 91×0.85 = 77.35
  • Add the weighted scores together: 13.29 + 77.35 = 90.64

Therefore, with an initial grade of 91% and a final exam score of 88.6% weighted at 15%, your final grade for the Economics course would be 90.64%.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Calculating Final Grade

Among them a frequent unforgotten mistake is failure to consider the weighting of particular and different course parts. Another fact that has to be highlighted is that each type of the assignment, whether we speak about assignments, quizzes, exams, or participation, has what can be called its weight, which shows how much it affects the overall grade. Appreciating or failing to appreciate these weights can make a lot of difference on one’s final score. For example, an exam contributing to the 50% of the total grade exerts much more influence than an assignment contributing to only 10% grade. Hence it is important to know and assume these weightings to be in a position to make the right forecasts for the final grade for any discrepancies to haunt you at the end of the term.

Another problem is definitely indecision, more specifically, failure to accurately determine the overall grade. Almost all students prefer to wait till the last moments to check their performance, and it often results in a lot of stress and poor academic outcomes. Self-checking one’s grades during semester implies that the student is well aware of his/her progress in class hence can easily change his/her study habits in case he/she is performing dismally. Therefore, it ensures you get to discover all the areas that may require additional time or a lot of concentration so that you can have improved grades in your final test. It prevents one from having to engage in last-minute calculations of one’s term or semester average and allows one to keep track of his/her academic performance hence be able to address any academic problems before they exacerbate.

Last, but not least, wrong grade reporting is a common problem that may result in mistakes at the final grading. Losing papers or forgetting to put grades in accurately will lead to having an incorrect perception of your performances. All the marked assignments and access should be kept and recorded in the correct manner. Apart from using it in order to get a check on your final grade you additionally can check the points of the grading which in its turn might also contain something which has been done wrong. Arranging your grades in a detailed manner will help you make precise calculations on the final grades of the course.

By avoiding these pitfalls which are ignoring weighting, procrastination and wrong grade tracking, one will be in a better position cumulatively to tackle the grade calculation and get a better understanding of the performance and outcome of his or her results.


What is a weighted grade?

A weighted grade is a grade that takes into account the different weights assigned to various components of a course.

How often should I calculate my final grade?

It's a good practice to calculate your final grade after every major assessment to keep track of your progress."

Can I use an online tool to calculate my final grade?

Yes, there are many apps and online tools available that can help you calculate your final grade easily. 

Knowing how your final grade is computed is a core academic skill that helps you monitor your standing in the course throughout the academic term. Looking at your results you can tell where you are best at and where you are likely to need more practice so that you have to allocate more time studying or practicing. Such a strategy allows a student to be aware of his or her academic performance at school and not experience a big shock when grades are posted.